
Hi! I'm Mechi.

I am waiting for Inspiration to strike

Published 4 months ago • 1 min read

2 February 2024

Happy New Month.

The year is moving so fast.

All my goals are yet to start


This week I wrote 5 fifty word stories and 5 short poems .

Over the weekend I will edit and submit to Literary Magazines.

In today's episode of archive of excuses

I am waiting for inspiration to strike.

I used to think inspiration was what made great work.

I was wrong.

A great work consists of

  • A great story
  • The Manner of Telling

The perfect example of this is a young incompetent painter painting the face of a beautiful girl.

The painting will not come out so well even though the girl(inspiration) is beautiful.

If I have great inspiration and what.

The inspiration will shine if I can really tell the story well .

The skill comes from practice.

We can get the skill both from on the job training( Writing a book and learning along the way).

Also practicing and experimenting. Here the goal is the practice not the project.

Inspiration can come half formed and grow as you begin to work.

What I like to do is to refine the idea. When I have a story I don't like. I ask what exactly is wrong and I work on making it better.

Here are some quotes from famous writers on inspiration.

1.Your job is to show up and keep showing up. The muse visits the persistent." - Neil Gaiman

2. The muse visits more often when you work than when you wait." - Pearl Buck

3. Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working." - Pablo Picasso

4. You can't wait for inspiration to hit you first. You have to go after it with a club." - Jack London

5. If I waited for perfection, I would never write anything." - Margaret Atwood

6. Waiting for inspiration is the surest way to never start writing." - Seth Godin


April is National Poetry Month

I will be writing a poem a day.

I am preparing to make it the highlight of the year.

What are your writing goals for February?

Well mine is simple.

After trying to write 500 words daily . I reduced the number to 250 words but most importantly the goal is to write a story every week.

I want to start submitting my work not to get published but to get feedback.

To know what I don't know. The Beginners dilemma

Until next time, keep writing

Hi! I'm Mechi.

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